Level five Health Plus

  1. An all-inclusive preventative healthcare management program that supplements group health insurance plans.

  2. HIPAA compliant, participatory Medical Expense Reimbursement Wellness  plan compliant with IRS codes 125, 213 and 105. from Level five Health, backed by a Legal Protection Plan.

  3. With no out-of-pocket cost, Health Plus prioritizes and incentivizes preventative health care for employees and at the same time benefiting employers through tax savings along the way.

Health Benefits: DNA screenings, health coaching, biometric screenings, telemedicine, behavioral health, and more

Increase Take Home Pay: Employees on the program will see an increase in take-home pay with participation and no out-of-pocket cost

Increased Education & Engagement: Increase employee engagement with preventative health care and educate them about health risks before they become serious


Proactively Reach Employees with the Highest Medical Claims: Research shows that it’s mostly your healthy population that participate in programs. Our program incentivizes all parties to engage - even the unhealthiest.

Employer Savings: Employers on average will save $600/employee per year in payroll tax savings with no out-of-pocket cost